Online Sport Manager Games

Broken Bat - Online baseball manager game

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Sport: Baseball
User Rating: 79.98% (4461 votes)
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Broken Bat - Online baseball manager game


Broken Bat is an online strategic management game and computer baseball simulation that lets you be the owner/manager of a franchise. Managers acquire players, guide them through the minor leagues and then manage their major league club, competing against other managers. Each team competes against other teams in their division with the winners promoting up a pyramid of leagues and the losers dropping down. Additionally, there are spring training, playoff and cup games every season. Broken Bat baseball has players from over 30 countries and is entirely free.




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2011-10-26 20:02:12 Zed (unregistered) IP: 64.37.*.*
Admin continues to make improvements. Realistic game engine.
2012-11-11 06:52:48 Garage (unregistered) IP: 76.10.*.*
I actually liked old Comiskey. My graandd used to take me and my jagoff brother there in the late 70 s on Sundays. On my 7th Birthday he gave me a $10 bill and told me to spend it on junk food. I miss the old polack. We always had crappy seats, but one Sunday an old guy took us down into the goden box area, and we thought we were the coolest. Years later, my graandd told me that old man was Bill Veeck, fed up with the corporate fat cats not showing up, leaving hundreds of seats empty, while kids and families sat in the loge. Doc Raker is correct, for REAL fun and value, try some minor league venues. In the midwest, you have your midwest league, or head up and see the college kids play in the Northwoods league, which is getting closer in quality to the Cape Cod league every year. In California, I've been to Fresno's new AAA stadium, Bakersfield, Visalia, and Lake Elsinore. I've actually played MSBL games at Inland Empire in San Berdoo and Lancaster. Or, Lizzie, you could try a good old college game. My favorite would be UIC, obviously. For you, maybe Notre Dame .but be careful around the football players, who I hear have license to sexually assault women without ramifications especially if their dad works for NBC in a broadcast capacity. Allegedly. How did I get to Notre Lame rapists from Comiskey park? I haven't even gotten my New Years drank on yet. Happy New Year to all of yous. Go Miami. Go Big 10 schools shut the SEC rednecks up, and for god sake go Bears!
2012-12-29 18:58:16 Clemente21 (unregistered) IP: 76.126.*.*
The only Hattrick-like baseball game on the web. Accurate game engine and lots of new features everyday.
2013-01-02 02:48:30 Kuensami (unregistered) IP: 50.29.*.*
Terrific game that is always improving

Tightly-knit but accepting community

Tremendous potential - could be the best online baseball manager to date
2013-01-17 02:48:06 bwadders76t (unregistered) IP: 2.27.*.*
Good baseball sim. Still coming to terms with how in depth the game is but I will get there.
2013-06-06 02:40:05 Thunder Dan (unregistered) IP: 216.31.*.*
I’ve had a great time and am impressed with all the work done with the site.  And I gotta say that I think the designer is a genius for coming up with it all.  Best baseball manager game around.

2014-01-05 18:45:16 ramsey86 (unregistered) IP: 85.17.*.*
The best game I play. Players are credible, develop in a realistic manner and have genuine sounding names and nicknames. Game play is accurate and fair. There isn’t a huge surplus of talent and you really have to be a good manager to be successful at this game.
2014-01-28 23:39:26 Logan (unregistered) IP: 209.144.*.*
Admin is great about answering questions. Enjoying the game a lot.
2014-04-24 16:48:34 Skuk (unregistered) IP: 192.154.*.*
Compared to other sports, there aren’t many online baseball games. This one is the best by far.

It’s not a polished as other online games, but it has a good user base and they are consistently improving the site.
2014-09-03 05:00:14 TheBuzz (unregistered) IP: 67.221.*.*
When your over the hill and your baseball playing days are over, this game will be as close as you can get to the real thrill of reliving the joy of playing baseball. For those youngsters who have yet to learn how to play baseball, BrokenBat is a great learning tool for the sport. Either way you can't go wrong with BrokenBat and it's great community of helpful gamers.
2014-11-03 21:05:58 The Jolt (unregistered) IP: 66.27.*.*
Totally unfair comment above.

Been playing this game for almost two years and new features are added regularly. It's constantly getting better.
2014-11-30 17:47:41 Haselrig (unregistered) IP: 69.39.*.*
Great game that's always improving. Well worth giving it a shot.
2014-12-18 10:34:21 Ibka (unregistered) IP: 62.210.*.*
I am going to Drayton Manor in August and I have never been on a proper tiilrlhng roller coaster, I need to know which roller coaster to go on first so that I won't be too frightened to go on some others. Please can you tell me the amount of G Force that each roller coaster there has. Thanks in advance!
2015-01-12 23:22:59 FreddyTheEye (unregistered) IP: 209.89.*.*
I have been playing manager sims for 12 years.
Broken Bat is the first in a long time to get me excited and completely hooked from day 1.
Give it a try and you will see.
The game is totally free,(I for one would happily pay) the developer is very active and the community is very friendly.
2015-01-23 04:02:40 Philliesworld (unregistered) IP: 50.32.*.*
Great game, where you mainly build off the draft, and the very active players will rise to the top, but casual player will have fun too. I would greatly recommend it, Just make sure when you get a team that it is a rich team, otherwise it will be tough, if you don't' like the name you will be to change it..:)
2015-02-18 04:23:05 cqk328 (unregistered) IP: 24.165.*.*
I found this game a few months ago looking for a simulator just to pass some time. I'm lucky I did. This is one of the best online games I have found. Very friendly admin who actively answers questions and makes improvements. Always open to suggestions as well. Ignore the bad ratings...either they didn't give it a chance or didn't like the reality of the game. Don't expect an instant winner. This game requires effort and strategy. That's why it is so good. Hope whoever checks this out gives it a fair shot!
2015-04-09 23:16:48 Whatsup (unregistered) IP: 98.166.*.*
Excellent sim. Players developed realistically, which is one of the main reasons this game kicks other baseball sims butt. I was hooked on MLB manager online years ago, but since they folded, I have been constantly searching for a good baseball sim to pass the time. I tried everything from Bush League, CSFBL, and even pennant chase. None of them touch the surface of broken bat.

It may take a little time, but once you are accepted into the community, it has the feel of a virtual family. You can discuss daily topics, laugh, joke, and even argue with your fellow owners.

The admin constantly improves the game, but the best part is he is always willing to listen to other's input. He is closing in on maybe one of the most realistic baseball engines in history. He dedicates a lot of time towards the game, and he quickly answers questions.

The one downside to this game is that, like any other game, it will take time to get the hang of. This game may take awhile to pick up completely. However, once you do, it can become addicting.
2016-06-04 01:23:51 buffmckagan (unregistered) IP: 209.248.*.*
During the winter of 2013-14, I was looking for something to fill my time in between semesters while I was waiting to move into a new house. I had discovered Bush League Baseball was no longer in existence, so I gave Broken Bat a try...and here we are, almost two and a half years later.

Broken Bat does have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get into it, it's a lot of fun. It's always changing, so I have been always learning new things and taking on new challenges as I make my way up through the ladder.

The idea of promotion and relegation is one of the best things about Broken Bat, for better or for worse. Winning your league has more incentive than just knowing you were the one of the two best teams in your league this year (or not) - you get promoted to the next league up the following season. You also have incentive to not be in 5th or 6th place by the end of the year - you'll get relegated to a lower league. Because of a constantly changing group of teams, there's always new teams to play against every season. The Cup is also random draw, and pits all 750+ teams against each other, with only one team in the entire game coming out on top of that competition. So basically, you'll never get into a rut.

The drafting system is much better than Bush League Baseball's was - no need to save up on tokens and other freemium BS, everyone gets their pick of ten prospects each Friday. With six different draft pools worldwide, you can make your team as diverse as you like. It's also realistic in that your first round choice is much more likely to be good than your tenth round choice.

The community is also super chill (generally), and once you've been in it for a while, it really is a well-knit community. We all help each other out, discuss how our teams are doing, give the admin (who is a player himself) suggestions...and he is the one that really makes this game special, because it is truly a labor of love for him. He doesn't charge players anything, and doesn't sell advertisements. He usually responds to requests, help, suggestions, etc. pretty quickly, and is constantly developing the game to be better for the players.

TLDR: Broken Bat has a lot to offer, and is worth checking out! Our current season ends in less than three weeks, so if your team is not doing well, you will be able to turn it around pretty quickly.
2016-06-19 06:50:30 Buzz (unregistered) IP: 183.89.*.*
If building a win team combination from multitude levels of stats provided then this is the game for you. Reaching top level is very competitive, so a real challenge to your ability's. Nothing is missing in this complete level game from minors to majors. Constant daily action and games so don't bring popcorn. Bean counter type of game that also includes franchise financials along with team management. Complete structure so immerse yourself.
2017-04-29 11:45:07 bobby blueballs (unregistered) IP: 173.29.*.*
lol , all the above comments are drom a few clowns who thinks this game is good & the owner .... this game is amueturish & it sucks BIG TIME .... wanna play a great baseball THIS AINT IT FOLKS .
2017-06-19 01:03:00 kyle (unregistered) IP: 67.225.*.*
It's great. Only been playing it a few days but it has really strong potential for a free to play browser based game.
2018-01-17 04:31:50 Frogman (unregistered) IP: 178.62.*.*
Great game! Can’t wait ‘til the college basketball version comes out.
2018-08-06 04:28:11 Floyd32 (unregistered) IP: 189.223.*.*
Been playing 1.5 years. Addicting, challenging, and great fun.
2019-05-04 08:29:09 Frankebasta (unregistered) IP: 82.145.*.*
Addictive, realistic.
You can play to win now, or build for the future.

More than anything else, you will find the best, most polite, more informative community of any online games
2020-06-28 03:55:03 Mudcat325 (unregistered) IP: 24.153.*.*
I agree with many of the positive comments listed above. I've played many baseball manager games in my 57 years, and none have been as enjoyable as Broken Bat. Been playing for three and a half years now and I'd be terribly disappointed if this one were to somehow end. Tremendously enjoyable experience...highly recommended!
2020-08-21 16:30:18 Akaoni21 (unregistered) IP: 2.29.*.*
I'm from the UK, I've played about a dozen online sports games and even though I know hardly anything at all about baseball this game is a whole lot of fun. (I've only ever watched an hour or two of Japanese baseball when I was on holiday there) Coming up with a game plan on how you want your team to play, hiring players who fit into that plan, drafting talent for your youth setup, seeing the development of your players and the games are a joy to watch play out. A quick scan of Wikipedia will inform you everything you'll likely need to know to bring anyone up to speed on baseball terminology. I highly recommend giving it a go.
2021-05-19 15:19:15 Doniel (unregistered) IP: 24.216.*.*
The admin cheats. If you upset him, your team's performance suffers. Regular users talk about a forum curse to be polite (and failing to be polite falls under the category of things that will earn you the curse) but only the most gullible could chalk it up to repeated coincidence.
2021-05-28 01:32:27 H.Aaron (unregistered) IP: 67.100.*.*
The best, most realistic baseball simulation. Very challenging.
2022-06-07 18:41:02 Mim (unregistered) IP: 119.148.*.*
Great game where you mostly build from the draft, and while the most active players will rise to the top, the casual player will have a good time as well. There aren't as many online Baseball games as there are for other sports. This is by far the best. It isn't as polished as other online games, but it has a sizable user base and is constantly being improved.
2022-11-23 00:56:20 Hulk (unregistered) IP: 174.195.*.*
Feels like real baseball. If you love stats and box scores, this is a great alternative – there really aren’t many other good baseball games out there.


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