Online Sport Manager Games

BasketPC - Online basketball manager game

Try new formula 1 manager game!
Sport: Basketball
User Rating: 58.81% (315 votes)
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BasketPC - Online basketball manager game


Free online basketball manager game. Create a team being the general
manager and the coach at the same time. Decide who play and choose the
right strategies for the matchs, hire your team's staff and sign up
players making the team more competitive or invest in team's future
expanding your Arena and growing up your own rookies.Get the best players
and make an unbeatable team in the BasketPC's virtual league.




OSM Reviews



2014-05-26 01:00:33 cabeleira (unregistered) IP: 212.128.*.*
nearly 3 years playing this game, it´s really adictive! The best online game I`ve played ever!
2014-05-26 01:13:06 bpc (unregistered) IP: 181.125.*.*
Grat game, almost two years playing. Highly recommended! If you want to experience a taste of other cultures by relating with other managers, play this game, Give it a try! Free!
2014-05-26 04:13:47 crazyxavi (unregistered) IP: 62.57.*.*
It's one of my all time favorite games. I'm sure you'll love it
2014-05-26 05:25:31 emmourino (unregistered) IP: 181.14.*.*
Excelente juego de basquet. Es imposible dejar de jugarlo. Tiene una gran comunidad.
2014-05-26 14:13:36 sevillano (unregistered) IP: 88.24.*.*
Excelente juego. Llevo muchísimo tiempo jugando y lo q me queda jeje
2014-05-26 18:22:39 jac170 (unregistered) IP: 190.246.*.*
Tremendo juego, con emociones y desiluciones que te produce una gran adiccion (jaja) totalmente recomendable, ademas del juego tambien hay muy buena gente detras q te ayuda a que des tus primeros pasos
2014-05-26 19:57:00 leocogote (unregistered) IP: 189.209.*.*
El mejor juego de basket online lejos. Llevo 3 años jugando ya...
2014-05-26 22:46:25 Panzer11 (unregistered) IP: 37.132.*.*
Great game, but be carefull... After you log in you cannot stop!
The best choice if you love the basket
2014-05-27 13:21:41 Twister (unregistered) IP: 37.14.*.*
Buen juego, aunque algo menos desde sus últimos cambios. Abstenerse de entrar en su foro, solo para aduladores.
2014-05-27 14:35:24 ohyeahbro (unregistered) IP: 195.53.*.*
Da best game in da hood. U can build ur own niggas team yolo
2014-05-27 15:34:40 petardero77 (unregistered) IP: 81.202.*.*
De lo mejor en basket y en general en cualquier juego deportivo.
2014-05-27 17:03:17 PeLuGoN (unregistered) IP: 62.174.*.*
Even if I start searching for a new online game, I can be sure I would never find a better one.
If you want to find a real adictive community and a funny game to play, you have found the right one: Basketpc.
And what is more important, in continue development, based on players opinions.
And for free!
2014-05-27 19:03:26 Raikone (unregistered) IP: 88.5.*.*
Muy buen juego de Basket, aunque el Simulador aveces hace de las suyas jajaj xD
2014-06-06 18:30:24 Disappointed (unregistered) IP: 67.234.*.*
English on this site SUCKS

you can delete my account slamdunk43
2014-06-22 19:56:38 CroquetaS (unregistered) IP: 83.32.*.*
Menuda bafofia de juego, por fiarme de los comentarios lo unico que he conseguido es perder tiempo.
2017-05-23 14:02:53 desander (unregistered) IP: 178.116.*.*
What is this??? Can't find to put it ingame in English, i can't write it but I can read it! But don't speak spanish, and why do i start in autralian competition when I'm from belgium?


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