Online Sport Manager Games

Buzzer Beater - Online basketball manager game

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Sport: Basketball
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Buzzer Beater - Online basketball manager game


BuzzerBeater is an online basketball simulation game that pits you against other managers across the planet. Play head-to-head against other challengers, employing strategic game play and statistical analysis. Go beyond fantasy basketball and run your own franchise.




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2011-10-16 15:24:38 Lauren (unregistered) IP: 188.27.*.*
CyberDunk is way way better than this. This is a hattrick copycat.
2012-01-30 19:57:46 aulddawg (unregistered) IP: 109.76.*.*
I tried this game and it's seems to be very popular but it wasn't what I was looking for in an online basketball game. I really wanted to like it since I'm a basketball fanatic and love analyzing statistics. I was having some log in problems and sent emails to the developers which went unanswered. If it was just a single email that was sent that would be one thing but I sent several and never heard back from them. Thus I couldn't log into my account and couldn't be bothered going back through the tedious registration process.
Needless to say, I was very disappointed and didn't bother trying to play the game any longer.
2012-03-12 05:39:06 CC (unregistered) IP: 67.162.*.*
This game is crap! Massive amout of cheating that is condoned by the admins. Only some of the game tatics actually work, but don't bother asking about it you will never get an answer from the developers. Pretty much this game is nothing but a scam. You have been warned.
2012-07-15 07:11:12 q (unregistered) IP: 173.224.*.*
when u say cheating u mean losing to get a good draft spot that is strategy CC. and i never have log in problems aulddawg. this game is fun and addicting.
2012-07-15 07:12:52 q (unregistered) IP: 173.224.*.*
dont listen to them try it u will love it and it is the biggest game there is almost 50000 managers one time they got past that too. it is not copying hattrick
2012-07-26 20:14:04 Ubersexy (unregistered) IP: 159.121.*.*
Well thought out game dynamics and hands down the most realistic game sims. Recommended!
2012-09-28 21:02:49 rvvikes11 (unregistered) IP: 108.8.*.*
This is definatly the best basketball manager game ever made...its so addciting and it so much fun...once you start playing you wont be able to get off.
2012-10-13 23:53:52 aulddawg (unregistered) IP: 90.221.*.*
q, the emphasis of my post was to illustrate the disconnect between admins and their users. I was unable to log in (for whatever reason) and when I tried to contact them to resolve the problem, I received no reply.
When playing any online game, I expect the admins/developers to be engaged with their community and the lack of communication from anyone from the buzzerbeater staff was at best off-putting and at worst unprofessional.
2013-01-07 09:48:40 Nick (unregistered) IP: 94.69.*.*
I would say that this game is by far the best online manager game....You just have to try it :)
2013-02-28 16:31:18 nate (unregistered) IP: 24.179.*.*
easily the best sports manager game ive found. the economy is balanced and sims are fair. finding and buying players is super addicting. the training system isnt exactly perfect but its not game breaking or anything. would highly recommend trying :)
2013-03-03 22:57:51 BB addict (unregistered) IP: 207.237.*.*
I've been playing BuzzerBeater for a really long time. This game never gets old for me. It's extremely hard for cheaters, there's no way to buy any advantage with real money, it's all strategy and a must-play for real basketball fans.
2013-05-03 06:48:53 BBlove! (unregistered) IP: 24.207.*.*
I love this game. It's really analytical and really looks at the stats. Some people don't like that but I love it.
2013-05-04 18:15:58 Wolph (unregistered) IP: 58.89.*.*
This game is better than any other online sports manager game I ever played. It still has a whole bunch of issues though. Sports manager MMOs are generally low quality cuz there is very little money in making them.
2013-05-31 16:34:09 theGamer (unregistered) IP: 94.68.*.*
I won't say that this game is crappy or anything, but it never managed to "infect" me despite the fact that I tried it multiple times. Always found it boring and really lacking connection to what basketball is in reality. Anyway, it's always a matter of taste but I'd strongly suggest to go for Charazay.
2013-06-10 06:07:39 Bball fan (unregistered) IP: 204.45.*.*
A decent game. But like a previous poster said, there's massive amounts of cheating. And admins do nothing about it.

In light of that, can't recommend.
2013-06-10 06:41:04 Das German (unregistered) IP: 87.106.*.*
The number of users keeps decreasing. There is a reason why.
2013-07-20 08:46:21 qwerty (unregistered) IP: 173.224.*.*
@Das German. its decreasing cause beginners make dumb mistakes and then lose cause of it and quit. not all teams can be the best so the lower ones quit. if you actually be patient and talk in forum to learn your team will get better. but not everybody does so we have quick quitters. and it still has alot for a game so it doesnt really matter. close to 40k people
2013-07-24 11:40:27 BB lover (unregistered) IP: 94.69.*.*
In all games we have a dicrease in users and BB isn't an exception.But this game is really good.The Game Engine is by far the best comparing to all the other engines.
You just have to be patient,ask for help in forums and you are going to love it belive me.
2013-07-28 11:01:20 BB Manager (unregistered) IP: 112.210.*.*
This must be the best online basketball managing game! My player just got promoted to a U21 national team. It's so addicting and I love it. It may be hard for starters but ones you get the hang of it, it wouldn't be hard to become the best!
2014-01-26 07:24:13 6th man (unregistered) IP: 76.103.*.*
This game ROCKS! I have been on for a year. My team, Triple-Double, is in league 5. My team is pretty good for a D5 team. This game is the best basketball manager BY FAR!!!!!
2014-01-30 18:02:03 EmZ (unregistered) IP: 151.19.*.*
It's the best basketball simulation in the net, until the "GDP" is implemented. Now its not a basketball simulation anymore
2014-03-05 23:38:08 Bobs (unregistered) IP: 187.58.*.*
CPCU (Chartered Property and Casualty Under?writer): QuotesChimp credential is the equivalent of a CLU, but applies to the field of property/casualty insurance. In order to earn a CPCU designation, the applicant must pass 10 national examinations, have a minimum of three years experience in the field, and agree to abide by a code of ethics. The program is administered by the American Institute for Property and Liability Insurance Underwriters in Malvern, Pennsylvania.
2015-05-07 19:23:46 9T9 (unregistered) IP: 195.6.*.*
I play this game for lot of seasons now and it's a good BBall management game.
2015-05-10 00:38:33 Jonty (unregistered) IP: 60.242.*.*
Worst game I've played. played for 8 weeks and no fun. Training system pathetic, starting team is garbage. You don't get enough income to buy players, expanding stadium is always delayed, you need money to scout a draft, so you can't.
2015-05-21 14:46:01 Jeründerbar (unregistered) IP: 144.43.*.*
Buzzerbeater has great depth in managing your team in multiple aspects like buying, scouting, drafting and training players, setting lineups and tactics for the game and managing your staff and arena. It has a sophisticated economy and game engine, which means there's always more to find out about the game to improve your performance. There is a great community that shares their ideas about the game, and engaged developers that listens to the community and constantly work to perfect the game.

If you're interested, you can sign up and leave me a message here or in buzzerbeater and I can help you get started.
2016-08-01 11:21:56 Don Quixote (unregistered) IP: 24.135.*.*
Who would like to play game where is GM's a cheater?

If youu be happy to play that kind a game this is right choice for you.

p.s. No this game certainly is not dead.
Every single day there is a thousands of new managers thankfully of BB stuff for their excelent developing skills, good manners and human behavior .
Sorry, I'm just kidding :D :D :D :D :D
2016-08-02 13:32:09 MJ 23# (unregistered) IP: 178.149.*.*
Mine problems:
- can't login
- can't set lineup
- finance (no money for Cup win)
- no training
- arena

I reported that to GM's and appeals@buzzerbeater

Their answers was full of sarcasm that's not their fault. Also they threatening me that I will be banned next time if I report any problem?!

2017-07-21 17:27:39 granpubah (unregistered) IP: 199.241.*.*
pretty good game. this game is not for impatient players. it take a lot of time to build a good team. my gut feeling is that supporter get too many perks but I have no way to prove that.
2019-11-24 10:29:47 110098945 (unregistered) IP: 45.58.*.*
Same simplistic training model as it's decent but a very unrealistic game. I enjoyed this game for 3 months and then moved on.
2020-02-19 04:13:32 Youron (unregistered) IP: 192.99.*.*
its okay, I played for a few months. then found hardwood at and switched.
2021-10-21 05:54:13 LL Cool J (unregistered) IP: 71.223.*.*
BuzzerBeater has really turned it around since they got their new development team. I'm excited for when the app is released!


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