Online Sport Manager Games

Red Zone Clash - Online football manager game

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Sport: American Football
User Rating: 69.02% (4310 votes)
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Red Zone Clash - Online football manager game


In, an American Football Simulator, you will find the fun of managing and coaching your squad from the lowest ranks of league rivalries to the lofty heights of international football glory! You run the team from the front office to the field, all completely for free! Want to have a speedy passing attack or is power rushing more your style? Do you want to control the line of scrimmage or rely on your defense to steal the ball away to win the game? Use your depth chart and playbook to decide how your team makes your gameplan happen. We don't just toss numbers out there and see what happens. We play football!

What makes different from other football sims out there? We stay true to the American style of football, by featuring a 3-day-draft, playoffs and a championship that is decided on the field. Compared to our Sister-game there is no economy management in, and the games pace is faster with having 3 league games per week.

All of this and more is available here in! It's time to play the game!


Free, but additional features can be bought.
1 month supporter account 2.95 EUR
3 months supporter account including 25 Credits 7.95 EUR
12 months supporter account including 100 Credits 19.95 EUR
100 credits 4.95 EUR
205 credits 9.95 EUR
415 credits 19.95 EUR


OSM Reviews



2013-07-24 14:09:57 scottishbronco (unregistered) IP: 109.144.*.*
Everything we love about but with your team already established. So create your depth chart, formulate a battle plan using your genius playbooks and prove your worth!
2013-07-26 16:46:13 nobody (unregistered) IP: 206.255.*.*
Games are games.But RedZone Clash gets real with better players,and you can feel the power within the game.Try what can you loose?
You will be happy that you join......
2013-08-09 06:28:01 Nestoro (unregistered) IP: 201.250.*.*
The diabolic sister of RedZoneAction! You love RedZoneAction but you pacience is short and need more action right now? Try RedZoneClash!!
2014-02-12 21:34:53 cfried (unregistered) IP: 74.85.*.*
Enjoy the game very much so is a couple qirks in the passing game, but are minimal distraction. Not to mention I am still learning to work with the training part of the game. Much better then the other previous 2 games I tried.
2014-02-15 15:55:16 krb (unregistered) IP: 72.152.*.*
just as much fun as the orginal RZA.
Better players and less headaches about other aspects of a stadium and finances.
2014-03-17 20:40:31 bwadders76 (unregistered) IP: 176.252.*.*
Great game. If you want a bit more depth to the sports management side try but if you want to stick to the playing side is the game for you.
2014-04-21 21:12:12 The Doctor (unregistered) IP: 184.21.*.*
Awesome game! So much fun! Will win my division first year out and have a great team and draft board put together! Definitely recommend it for other football junkies to play!
2014-06-03 22:08:40 The Doctor (unregistered) IP: 75.107.*.*
Awesome game! Won my division first time around and am going to win it again this season! Great gameplay, lots of strategy!
2014-08-17 17:49:12 HeltrSkeltr (unregistered) IP: 96.252.*.*
Trying game out, So far.....
Likes- stats, customization, player development.
Dislikes- Have to download playbook, download players. Your team must wait to scrimmage itself ( Id like to see how my team does now! Not wait for a couple hrs/days.)
2014-08-21 15:42:16 HeltrSkeltr (unregistered) IP: 96.252.*.*
..... still waiting to play another team. So why does Red Zone have such a looong wait period? Should be called SLEEP ZONE.
2014-10-15 01:38:26 noles (unregistered) IP: 75.107.*.*
awesome game, love it and have a couple of teams on it, good amount of competition, yet there is always another team that can play close games with you, never a dull moment!
2015-01-11 17:47:46 Guigas (unregistered) IP: 191.176.*.*
Not a bad game... sure a slow but fun paced football manager
2015-05-10 08:56:46 gavin3031 (unregistered) IP: 2.218.*.*
Best management game I've tried so far. I can see I could get really carried away with tinkering with tactics.
2016-01-20 20:07:09 a crazy person (unregistered) IP: 206.255.*.* is a great game to play.
from playbook to depth chart,players,training,buying setting up plays,checking plays,alot to check out,and the best part it's "FUN"...
2016-12-21 16:26:52 Truth (unregistered) IP: 173.44.*.*
dull game. nothing happens. most Leagues are almost completely empty. almost every division IS empty. Tumbleweed slowly blows past. This game just sends everybody to sleep. simply put ... a great big waste of time and space
2016-12-31 19:11:34 @Truth aka shxxxx aka many other names (unregistered) IP: 79.241.*.*
"Nice"...first you go for ongoing cheating, and then wonder why you and your 44 teams were kicked from the game - funny!
2019-11-24 10:24:42 110098945 (unregistered) IP: 45.58.*.*
Ugh...this is nothing like RZA. Nobody is playing this game anymore. Play Red Zone Action instead.

Why does this have a decent rating...nobody is playing this anymore.
2020-07-06 23:05:08 devil (unregistered) IP: 84.160.*.*
"Why does this have a decent rating...nobody is playing this anymore." - Seem it is still better than the less good ranked games in here.


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