Online Sport Manager Games

Trophy Manager - Online soccer manager game

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Sport: Football (Soccer)
User Rating: 55.42% (1482 votes)
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Trophy Manager - Online soccer manager game


Take on the challenge of thousands of other real life players, build your infrastructure and enjoy the fully fledged managing experience as your team clashes with rivals in the battle for honour and trophies!




OSM Reviews



2011-09-12 00:17:26 Budd (unregistered) IP: 200.217.*.*
This is way more hpelful than anything else I've looked at.
2012-03-28 20:21:14 1982 (unregistered) IP: 31.151.*.*
one of the bestmanagers bit tricky at first but with a big community always willing to help
2012-04-28 16:44:52 izzet (unregistered) IP: 95.9.*.*
arkadaslar bu oyuna yeni baslad?m ama oyun ogretici 2 kal?yor ilermiyor acaba bu oyun nas?l oynan?r
2012-06-25 00:16:31 (unregistered) IP: 176.249.*.*
Its ok yet not great constantly changing the format to aid the long term big clubs. If you are under 10 years old its the game you should play. I would not recommend this game to anyone far to many bugs and downtimes severe lagging. Not for the serious football manager fanatic.
2012-06-25 00:21:48 (unregistered) IP: 176.249.*.*
This game is rubbish. The youth development is very expensive and invarably gives nothing despite spending hundreds of millions on upgrades and maintenance. The entire game relies far to much on luck. Far to many inactive clubs. The match engine is poor quality and does not reward managerial skill. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME
2012-06-26 19:57:05 Traversina United (unregistered) IP: 213.198.*.*
is better than a lot of other football game and it will became de best
2012-07-21 15:36:45 Jonh Doe (unregistered) IP: 85.243.*.*
Great overall manager game BUT LACKS IN THE TACTICAL POINT OF VIEW! As a manager I'm too limited on tactics.. Sad!
2012-08-15 23:45:51 bobland (unregistered) IP: 99.119.*.*
By far the best management game on the web. There are teams of helpers in many countries to assist newbies. It is tactically deep, the website format is user friendly, and there is a vary large community on the forum. This game deserves way more rating than given above (for me a 9/10) and I know you will enjoy it. I have played several management games (PPM, FootieLegend, Managerleague) and this is by far the best.
2012-09-01 17:00:59 (unregistered) IP: 213.112.*.*
This game is rubbish. The youth development is very expensive and invarably gives nothing despite spending hundreds of millions on upgrades and maintenance. The entire game relies far to much on luck. Far to many inactive clubs. The match engine is poor quality and does not reward managerial skill. DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME
2012-10-12 13:26:27 (unregistered) IP: 182.169.*.*
I was a Hattrick user. And have tested many football manager games.
This is the best one, I think.
2012-12-31 13:15:36 (unregistered) IP: 174.109.*.*
An ok game at best currently. The number of flaws outnumbers the positives. To boot the management of this game dropped Trophy Hockey which was the better quality game due to negligence rather than a lack of players. So the feeling you get from the top isn't that positive as of now.
2013-02-06 23:42:46 (unregistered) IP: 86.159.*.*
Game is going downhill quickly. Developers focus on getting as much money as possible from the players and don't care about the game quality. They also allow dubious advertisers like SupersonicAds scam people using their site.
2013-03-11 22:53:48 SWARANAN (unregistered) IP: 101.210.*.*
VERY GOOD GAME.i recommended to play this game...............
2014-01-25 14:06:39 TMtruth (unregistered) IP: 86.135.*.*
was good back in the day, but we arent still in that day! Tired, old, boring, rubbish looking game. Community is dead. Played for 5 years, left it now. Avoid
2014-03-06 00:09:09 Nephi (unregistered) IP: 46.38.*.*
Let Us have a look at QuotesChimp of the first battles in the warfare to cut back car insurance premiums: Ca's Proposal 103.
2014-04-15 15:38:32 Footballlover (unregistered) IP: 91.183.*.*
This ia a real waste of time.The administrators are dishonest! They take partial decissions, based on comments from "them little friend". Do not play this game (anymore).
2014-05-29 23:29:46 VladanC (unregistered) IP: 109.121.*.*
Do you want to play this online football manager?

My name is Vladan Cupric . On TM 's my nickname VladanC . Three days ago I banned club Univer . 3:10 Serbian League . Although I complained because I did not break any rules have not heard back for three days . I duly reported all along the data. But there are no answers . I received a private message explaining that I was banned because some italijnski manager bought my players . 10 players for several sezona.inace buys a lot of foreign players , but that's a gejmasteru this was suspicious. I decided to throw my club . A paid them a total of $ 10 million. I can not be responsible for those who purchase my players . Nor can the transfer of a preferential list . Players are placed on the transfer list and who offers more that is dobijja players. Although it has been three days no official response .
I think this is arrogance and nevaspitanje gejmastera . Apparently someone sees a problem where . I do not want to play this online manager and I'm outta here . At each forum , which is linked to the online games will leave this message .

So from me ,
thank you
2014-05-29 23:31:13 ZoranB (unregistered) IP: 109.121.*.*
Do you want to play this online football manager?

My name is Vladan Cupric . On TM 's my nickname VladanC . Three days ago I banned club Univer . 3:10 Serbian League . Although I complained because I did not break any rules have not heard back for three days . I duly reported all along the data. But there are no answers . I received a private message explaining that I was banned because some italijnski manager bought my players . 10 players for several sezona.inace buys a lot of foreign players , but that's a gejmasteru this was suspicious. I decided to throw my club . A paid them a total of $ 10 million. I can not be responsible for those who purchase my players . Nor can the transfer of a preferential list . Players are placed on the transfer list and who offers more that is dobijja players. Although it has been three days no official response .
I think this is arrogance and nevaspitanje gejmastera . Apparently someone sees a problem where . I do not want to play this online manager and I'm outta here . At each forum , which is linked to the online games will leave this message .

So from me ,
thank you
2014-05-30 22:44:05 VladanC (unregistered) IP: 77.105.*.*
To e - mail me one , but does not match the fouth day . Why ?
That's why I was forced to spamming forums and GM
I have not broken any rules . I have a level 10 academy . All players who have the potential 3 * accept. Because it says in the instructions that are players with whom the contract is signed . When they turn 18 they go on the market . All , without exception . Not one not retained . There are players that did not sell in the market . They did not buy the manager from Italy . A not bought my most expensive players. There is not one message between me and him . No player is not sold through the contract , but only through the market . I can not influence who will buy my players . Do you can tell me how I could have prevented it ? The market apply fair conditions for all . What does that mean tomorrow, buy some of my two players and I 'm banned again ?
He bought my 10 players for 10 million a couple of seasons . Not bought for large sums .

There is no evidence that I violated the rules of TM . Regarding this , if we do not return the club University , I will be forced to sue you because international law on intellectual property have no right to deprive me of playing online TM . No specific reason is not about discrimination and chauvinism towards a particular nationality . I'll keep spamming the forum and to spread a bad image about you and TM in all the forums . It will work because I have not broken any rules . But of one thing and you are me banovali .

I want you to know that I was moredrator banovao so I could sue him for discrimination.

I am a person who is 41 years old , the family and your business . My company for distribution and to the people . I know very well that my job depends on compliance with the rules and that you abide by . That I follow here , but apparently some of your moderator does not think so

Vladan Cupric
Club no: 1101849

It is impossible. I never abused transfers in any way. Could you give that evidence available to them because I want to put to my lawyer that I consult him about the lawsuit. I not ower and not control or even teams. The only thing I had to pick a team that I was even able to contact you because you did not answer for several days. I am really going to sue you because you've no evidence, only on suspicion, they took it.
Obviously we can not otherwise agree on overall satisfaction. See you in court. Your legal representative will call my lawyer.

2014-06-08 18:04:10 death of tm (unregistered) IP: 109.152.*.*
was so good back in the day. but now so old, dated, boring. no community apart from a few keyboard warriors. I would avoid this at all costs
2014-10-11 20:07:08 elseffen (unregistered) IP: 37.130.*.*

And how could i get 1billion+ money in TM?
Did i cheat? Did i do lot of player transfers and get profit?

NO, i have a busy life. Thats why sometimes (when i got rich already) i buy a player at higher price. I don't have enough time to play TM.

I play slow, with minimum players at cheap salary players for few seasons and dump every money i got from sponsors into 'money maker' facilities. I don't build high training and youth facilities. So i got extra cash (and extra bank interests) every week/season. My team was built from oldies player good routine. You can see my team transfer records to see the truth.

WARNING: APPLY my strategy with your OWN RISK --> And GET BANNED
2014-10-28 14:54:05 jonesy (unregistered) IP: 180.74.*.*
The game engine's made by amateurs, just too many silly things that have went on and on for years. A player can easily have multiple farms for national teams and the community is made up of mostly school children.
2015-05-07 19:08:44 9T9 (unregistered) IP: 195.6.*.*
Even if they improved the GUI since many seasons now, the engine is still the same : the live matches animations are poor and could've been avoid, EVERYTHING is expensive (building costs, maintenances, players,buying a scout). Not Pro ? You can't access many things in your own team, and can't even change shirts numbers. No kidding ?
One day, i've seen in the biggest contributors (a Diamond account team) list a Top 6 team which have banned... Seriously ?!!

2015-12-23 13:29:04 Mborg (unregistered) IP: 46.11.*.*
TM is the best online football game ever. Don't mind the haters. Play and rate for yourself ;)
2016-04-14 15:56:43 Keylon (unregistered) IP: 188.143.*.*
Phanemonel breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
2016-08-22 11:10:21 ATLETICO VALLERICCIA (unregistered) IP: 5.2.*.*
l'unico vero manageriale free to win..... e il migliore ed è il più serio e difficile, adatto solo a chi e onesto e ha molta pazienza di programmare la propria strategia. insomma se cercate il gioco per incapaci e frustrati allora non fa per voi, ma se cercate un gioco stimolante e impegnativo allora questo fa al caso vostro
2020-02-08 14:35:12 Listen (unregistered) IP: 84.252.*.*
This is by far the best online manager game there is. I have tried all of the others on this site and none of them compare to TM.
I don't see lots of cheaters, and if I do, I report them and they are dealt with quite swiftly by the tireless teamsters who do that job.
End of the day, it's a great game and one that people with intelligence will like. The forums are good and full of helpful people and it's an overall great experience.

See you on there.
2020-04-29 20:08:26 Mi sono rotto. (unregistered) IP: 151.50.*.*
Semplicemente una merda.
È gestito malissimo e funziona peggio: risultati a cazzo e senza logica.
Non spendete soldi in questo gioco di merda.
2020-05-08 19:29:43 Mi sono rotto. (unregistered) IP: 151.72.*.*
È una presa per il culo questo gioco di merda! Oggi mi inattivo e vaffanculo!
2023-02-03 09:54:01 acky (unregistered) IP: 78.68.*.*
great game. takes a long time and a lot of patience and planning to build your club. you play about 3 matches a week, buy and sell players, upgrade facilities, get youths from academy. great enjoyment over a long time. well worth the time.


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