Online Sport Manager Games

Online Tennis Manager - Online tennis manager game

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Sport: Tennis
User Rating: 63.99% (1616 votes)
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Online Tennis Manager - Online tennis manager game


This is a free online tennis manager game where you take on the role of a world-class tennis player. If you have always dreamed of standing at the top of the tennis world ranking then you are exactly right here. Fight your way through small tournaments on the ATP level, and measure yourself with human opponents from around the world. All have the same goal, number 1 in the tennis world to be. Here you can get started immediately at no charge! Have fun with great online tennis manager, the best free tennis game you have ever seen before!




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OSM Reviews



2011-07-28 13:03:19 David (unregistered) IP: 212.150.*.*
I tried to write an e-mail to the game management, but it's impossible.
Here are my comments:

I'm new to the game and there are some big problems that I would like you to pay attention to.

Here are some of them.

1. In the Newscenter are messages from players but there is no reply key. So you can't give advice or help
other players.

2. If you receive a message in you mailbox, you can't answer the sender, except by surching his name in a long list.

3. The CET time is wrong. It shows me the time set in my computer.

4.Talk with the Community, doesn't work at all.

5. Skills. I had 30 in Forhand Wolley. the next day it went up with 18 with a result of 47? Bad matematics.

6. Calender. When you go to see a tournament there is no dates. Should be written.
in Boston From xx/xx to xx/xx
There is missing a "back" button to get back to the tournament page.
7. You can enter a tournament to much time in advance. Year 1 week 37.
8. There is missing a log out button.
9. You start with 10.000 and you can't do anything with less than about 500.000 so what's the idea?
To wait for earnings?
10. The level 3 shoes costs: 000.000$

With kind regards

2011-09-12 06:06:26 Charlotte (unregistered) IP: 188.219.*.*
This is way more helpful than anything else I've lokeod at.
2012-03-26 21:06:41 phil (unregistered) IP: 79.70.*.*
no way of getting in touch with the game managers who aren't very quick to spot bugs. Also the english language version is full of mistakes and impossible to use the forum from. pity as the simple concept is quite cool
2012-04-13 22:35:56 Jonas (unregistered) IP: 78.84.*.*
Great statistics..

5,000 users and 1275 votes for this game..

Must be really awsome!!!

2012-11-09 11:39:16 Lalit (unregistered) IP: 62.97.*.*
how funny would it be if we ended up starting a swiss-miss tnines group out of all of this!i can see it now semi-regular tnines meet-ups for the next year and then, suddenly a swiss-miss all-star tnines team that takes on other design houses and creative agencies in the city followed by accolades and glory, wtih a trip to the french open years down the road, when our offspring have inherited our roles and taken it to a new level.
2013-03-20 09:11:02 Spock Jenkins (unregistered) IP: 47.16.*.*
The people that made this game could care less about making it better, or listening to concerns. They suck. The game had potential, and it's fun. But they want you to pay real money for in-game advantages, without putting any effort into it at all. Boooooooooooo.
2013-12-16 17:10:28 mar1217 (unregistered) IP: 192.197.*.*
I am playing it and this a really hard and great game!!Many improvements since 1 month!!
I recommend this game for tennis lover and other people =)
2014-10-25 12:35:13 Boris boom boom (unregistered) IP: 86.82.*.*
This game has potential but not with this admin. they work with, so if you have a problem nobody will solve it for you.


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